Murder on the Menu
Used by special arrangement with Play Dead Mysteries
Audition for a Murder
Written By Lee Mueller
Used by special arrangement with Play Dead Mysteries
A Murder Mystery within a Murder Mystery, called "Death of A Flapper". All of the typical actors show up to audition. There is the militant method actress, the ditzy Drama queen, the energetic actor who never seems to get a part in anything, and the accomplished Theatre Major who works at a fast-food place in the meantime.
The auditions get underway without too many problems, well a few...Well, all right, you see, the thing is...the Director, Vivian Vinderlou and Assistant Director, Reed Moore, have a bit of a problem with "script". The problem is they don't have enough copies for everyone. And the bigger problem is they don't actually have a finished script.
Jim Culter - the playwright arrives in the nick of time with a few more copies and a few more finished pages just as one of the actors mysteriously dies. As luck would have it, Jim has brought Inspector Bonnie Brauvera along to the auditions to serve as Technical Advisor for the play. Perhaps the investigation in to this "mysterious death" will inspire the playwright and help him finish the play. After all, there is a read-through on Monday!